In the absence of elevators, daily life in Pisay involves climbing up flights of stairs. This activity, just like any other ordinary activities, calls us to practice proper etiquette. Our practice of these easy-to-follow rules not only will help us avoid accidents (which is not really uncommon, recall how many accidents in Pisay happened in the stairs!) but will also give polish to our conduct.
1. In climbing up or down a staircase DO climb without haste. A lot of the rules in etiquette concern about preventing somebody from looking ugly. A person, in uniform or office attire, running, is not good to look at, and it will produce unimpressive results such as arriving in class all sweaty with hair and clothes disarranged. But there is a deeper reason also in preferring to walk properly than to run in all haste. Being always in a hurry is a good indicator that one is living with a disorderly schedule and one's day is not carefully planned- in short the person lacks orderliness.
2. In climbing a stair with a friend, allow the older one or the lady to walk along side the hand rails. This will ensure that they have a support while climbing up or down. Men on the other hand should always be ready to offer some help should they need it.
3. In climbing up the staircase as a group DO avoid climbing in files, especially when the whole file will occupy the entire staircase. Somebody in an emergency or in a needful hurry, might need to overtake you but they cannot because you are blocking him/her.
Etiquette calls for a lot of order because order is a reflection of beauty. We prize beauty though it is not a virtue, because beauty makes us attractive to people. And when people are attracted to us, all the more it is easy for us to do good things to them. Beauty makes the practice of the virtues easy and enjoyable.
Remember an etiquette a day keeps rudeness away.
-Sir Madz
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